Monday, December 10, 2012


I am apparently really bad at posting updates. Not having internet at the house coupled with how fast everything is progressing has made posting one set of updates at a time really difficult. Everyone said that once concrete was down, things would go quickly. I really had no idea how quickly it would come together. There will be several posts over the next few days so that everything stays in the same order as it happened. So now you have posts to look forward to over the next few days :-)

First up...framing!
This is what went up on the very first day that framing started. this is when it started to seem real that we were actually building a house. Pretty crazy!

 This is a wide shot of our house sitting on our lot. Our driveway will be on the right side.

 Standing in the driveway looking at the corner of the house. This was at the end of day 1. Amazing how fast it all went up!

There is the second story(bonus room) starting to take shape

 Standing in the kitchen looking towards the living room.

Really starting to look like a house now!

 Close up of the upstairs window

 Looking at the back of the house. Now the roof boards are on!
 There is lots of floored attic space!
More attic space. It is a little unnerving to be able to see straight down into the room below but that will change once the framers get done.

So that is what our framed house looks like. It was absolutely the craziest and best feeling to see something we had been looking at, analyzing, and discussing at great lengths finally become something tangible and real. It was so neat to be able to walk through and see where all the decisions we had made along the way were finally becoming a reality. 

Even though this part has moved really quickly and has been a bit overwhelming at times, I absolutely would not trade it for the slow going we had at the beginning. 

Next up....electrical, plumbing, and air conditioning!



Love the pictures!! : )

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